Electro pneumatic regulator EVS Series

For electro pneumatic regulator EVS series, feedback control with semiconductor pressure sensor and electronic control circuit is used to enable continuous and precise controlling pneumatics with electric signals. Smaller than EV0000, body extending cable is used to achieve ultimate convenience and space saving.

Small body
Redesigned the internal structure, the volume is reduced by approx. 50% comparing to CKD conventional model (EV0000 series) (cable outlet excluded)

Light in weight
Minimized body, the weight is reduced by approx. 20% comparing to CKD conventional model (EV0000 series).

Space saving
Footprint is reduced by 40% comparing to CKD conventional model (EV0000 series). This enables installation in a narrow space, or in a raw, and contributes to reduce the device size.

Oar poppet structure and PWM control are used to eliminate constant bleeding. This can be used not only for energy saving, also for the case that air source has no surplus.

High precision / high speed response
Precision / high speed response of EV series is completely succeeded. New model can be directly replaced from old one if the input signal type is matched (when monitor output signal is not used.)

Easy wiring
A body extending cable connector is used to reduce man-hours for wiring, installation and mainte-nance. Shield type is used for cable connector.

  • CKD series EVS500 electro-pneumatic regulator
  • CKD series EVS500 electro-pneumatic regulator

Regional Sales Manager - Pneumatics

David Pascoe
Tel. +44 1628 533300
Mob. +44 7542 225624

Regional Sales Manager - Pneumatics

Karl Bryan
Tel. +44 1628 533300
Mob. +44 7517 103929