Mechanically operated valves series 1 and 3

The mechanically operated valves in the 3 Series (G1/8) and those in the 1 series (G1/8 and G1/4) have been designed with three different types of actuation:

  • plunger
  • lever/roller
  • unidirectional lever/roller

In each case, return is triggered by a mechanical spring.

The Series 3, 3/2-way monostable valves are normally closed in the rest position when pressure is supplied in 1 and are normally open when pressure is supplied on connection 3, the user port 2 remaining unchanged. The Series 3 5/2-way valves may be supplied via the ports 3 and 5 with two different pressures if a cylinder has to be operated using a delivery pressure which is different from the return pressure.

  • Camozzi series 3 mechanically operated valves
  • Camozzi series 3 mechanically operated valves